NIOSH Director’s Seminar Series on Work and Fatigue
Fatigue mitigation in emergency medical services (EMS):
Let’s talk about evidence, tailored recommendations, and a focus on worker health
Date/Time | May 19, 2020 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm EDT |
Location: | Adobe Connect (register here) |
Speaker: P. Daniel Patterson, PhD
Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine
James O. Page Professor of Emergency Healthcare Worker Safety
Department of Emergency Medicine University of Pittsburgh
Dr. P. Daniel Patterson is a nationally registered paramedic and Fellow of the Academy of Emergency Medical Services. Dr. Patterson studies safety in emergency care settings with special emphasis on safety culture, fatigue, shift work, sleep health, teamwork, medical errors and adverse events, and clinician injury in the pre-hospital EMS setting. He has led multi-disciplinary teams in evidence reviews and experimental studies testing novel interventions to improve safety. His research is informed by immersion in the EMS setting as a paramedic clinician.
There are nearly 20,000 EMS agencies in the United States and over 1 million paramedics, emergency medical technicians (EMTs), and other EMS responders. They are a unique type of shift worker who face unique threats to health, safety, and sleep, such as responding to emergencies around the clock working outside the hospital on the roadside and in people’s homes Making medical decisions under significant time pressure and deliver emergency care in a matter of minutes in order to stabilise the acutely ill or injured. The 2018 Evidence Based Guideline for Fatigue Risk Management in EMS was the largest ever review of the evidence germane to sleep and fatigue of shift workers.
In this this seminar Dr. Patterson will present on the five recommendations that comprise the guideline and how application of these recommendations may differ across the United States how shift work impacts EMS worker health, specifically cardiovascular health how EMS agencies may be addressing fatigue mitigation during extraordinary events such as large-scale disasters or emergencies to learn more about past seminars, please visit our website:
If you have questions regarding this event, please contact Imelda Wong:
Job position open
Human Factors and User experience expert
For our team in Rome, we are looking for candidates with expertise on Physical hashtag#ergonomics, Human-Computer Interaction (hashtag#HCI) and hashtag#Usability, and at least 2 years of work experience in User Experience (hashtag#UX) projects, possibly in industrial domains like manufacturing. Master degree in relevant disciplines required. The candidate will join our ergonomics team, working for prominent manufacturing companies. Proficient written and oral English is an essential prerequisite. A desirable attribute is the mastering of methodologies and software tools for ergonomics analysis (e.g. methodologies: EAWS, REBA, RULA; software: SIEMENSJack, PTC Creo); of machinery safety regulations; and related ISO standards. We are an SME based in Rome with a deep involvement in Consultancies and R&D EU programmes funded by the European Commission (e.g. Horizon 2020). Find more information about us on our website: Applications (CV and presentation letter) can be sent to (subject: JobOffer). hashtag#humanfactors hashtag#userexperience
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O grupo Sonae MC dispõe
de algumas vagas para a função de Ergonomista.
O core da função passará por trabalhar diretamente com os entrepostos
logísticos e, idealmente, procuram colaboradores baseados no Porto e/ou Lisboa.
Responsabilidades da função:
- Participar na concepção, do ponto de vista ergonómico e de segurança, de locais de trabalho, máquinas e equipamentos;
- Garantir a análise de riscos de postos de trabalho;
- Identificar e acompanhar indicadores de saúde e segurança, tomando medidas preventivas;
- Gerir situações de Restrição Médica, conjuntamente com a Saúde Ocupacional – Medicina do Trabalho, identificando áreas de actuação prioritárias;
- Definir e implementar medidas de prevenção que tenham como base critérios ergonómicos;
- Assegurar suporte à área de Saúde e Segurança.
Requisitos da função:
- Licenciatura em Ergonomia;
- Experiência profissional de 1 a 3 anos em funções similares;
- Conhecimento e experiência, em projetos específicos, na aplicação de metodologias de avaliação ergonómica;
- Conhecimentos sobre o quadro legislativo nacional, em matéria de Saúde e Segurança no Trabalho;
- Capacidade de comunicação e de relacionamento interpessoal;
- Capacidade de trabalhar em equipa;
- Flexibilidade para realizar deslocações pelo país.
Quem tiver interesse
na oportunidade, deve enviar o seu CV para o seguinte e-mail ( ao cuidado de Ana Rita
Freixo (da Direção de Recursos Humanos).
A APERGO associa-se uma vez mais à Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina do Trabalho (SPMT) na realização do Fórum Nacional de Medicina do Trabalho nos dias 21 e 22 de Novembro, na Culturgest em Lisboa. A esta 15ª edição do Fórum, seguir-se-á no dia 23 de Novembro o 2º Fórum Internacional.
Inscrições (a preço normal) até 13 de Novembro
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